Monday, 3 October 2011

Convert to FAT,FAT32 into NTFS format your USB pan drive (windows XP)


     Dude you know windows xp doesn't support the NTFS formating. But we have done this without any software.I know we  windows xp only sport the FAT, FAT32 formating. 
I have done through command prompt. Suppose we have 4 GB usb pan drive . This drive before formating in Fat32. This pan drive convert the NTFS formating. 
Let's GOooooooooooooooooooooo

1. Open the Run program and type in CMD.
2. open the new window will appear and this is called command prompt.
3. The new black screen display.
4. Type in command prompt convert drive name : /fs:ntfs
5. For example we have pan drive. This drive name local drive h.
6 Type in command prompt convert h: /fs:ntfs press the enter.
7. some process follow and take some several time.
8. Message show your process complete.
9. Check the you pan drive. Pan drive will format in NTFS formatting.

screen shot of command prompt.

save your  comment or e-mail me
touch shortly in timing.



Find out the MAC (Media Access control) in our computer???

1. Open the Run and type CMD.
2. New window will appear. This is called command prompt.
3. Type in command prompt ipconfig/all.
4. Details mention:-Windows IP configuration
                           Ethernet Adapter wireless network connection.
                          PPP adapter current internet running.
5. Ethernet adapter wireless networking connection in our system showing but I think your difference show.
6.  MAC (Media Access control ) address as physical Address in show Total twelve words This address is combination of numeric and alphabetic. 
For example in our system physical address 00-1A-73-73-AD-0D.
7. This address is a unique and not a changeable.

Network interface card picture.


PDF file is very useful...

       Friends today is post the PDF file trick. This trick has very useful and save your time. This trick it's working version six,seven and above version.

CTRL+SHIFT+B:=To heard the whole document.
CTRL+SHIFT+V:= To heard only select page.
CTRL+SHIFT+H:= Down and up pages 
CTRL+SHIFT+H:=Stop the paging speed.
Arrow key up and down:= upper key page up and down key page down. 


Create your Logon Message

***Open the Run and type in regedit
***The new window will appear. This window is called registry editor.
***.Open the HLKM\software\micorsoft\windows NT\current version\winlogon.
*** check out the picture mention in below if you any confusion.

***Go to right pane and check the legal Notice Caption.
***Right click the Legal Notice Caption. 
*** Modify the Legal Notice caption.
***Save your message and restart your system.
*** check effect.

save your comments 

Saturday, 1 October 2011

Change the startup sound,Device connect,Device Disconect and more????

I think you are boring the heard daily Microsoft tune. change the Tune New mail, Device error connecting many more. Microsoft system only accept the (wav.) extension only. If you have the MP3 song First of all change the MP3 to wav file. you can download the Internet converter software mp3 to wav file.Just the some process follow........... 

1++ Open the control panel and double click the sound and audio devices. Open the new window sound and audio devices properties.

2++Tab the sounds,find the below you can show close program,default beep,device connect,device disconnect and many more option mention.

3++ Select the any you want change the sound. Browse option show.

4++ click the browse and the new window appear.

5++ find the your wav extension file.

6++ Select your file and press ok button.

7++ Make sure your sound scheme is selected

check out you feel different..........


Trace the Website IP address (Google,facebook)

     Friends today is post the how the trace Website ip address. it's very easly find the website ip address.
     This is no requirment the any software. This might be useful if you want to see where the server of your hosting provider is located. Some search engine results can be filtered by the geographical location of websites, so you might find out why your website is doing so well on some local searches.
Just some step follow me.

1... Press the keybaord button winkey+R.
2...Will you show the Run program(application).
3... Suppose we find the IP address
4...Type in Run ping and press the enter.
5... command propmt show. wait some time you will show the IP address.

6...Show the picture mention above.

stay the tuch and save the comments.......